Schedule a free 1:1 consultation with our gut health experts

Rebecca Traylen, ANutr

Head of Nutrition

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Reasons to book a consultation

Our nutrition team can recommend small changes that make a big difference.

  • It’s a free service
  • Understand how the gut may be affecting your health
  • There’s no obligation to purchase
  • Advice based on the latest science & clinical evidence
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About Rebecca

"When we think about health, many of us may overlook our gut microbiome. However, there is more research nearly every day that demonstrates how important our gut microbiome is for digestion, immunity, mood, skin, and sleep in every stage of life! I want to educate people on how important it is to look after your gut microbiome and how this can be achieved to improve our health."

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  • Rebecca is an Associate Nutritionist (ANutr), with a passion for gut health.
  • She can give you a holistic view of gut health, recommending diet & lifestyle changes
  • She can advise on suitable products. If we don't have anything suitable for you, she can recommend an alternative brand
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